Total Medals Earned: 10 (From 4 different games.) Total Medal Score: 140 Points
Medals Earned: 2/13 (10/450 points)
Finish the tutorial.
Enter a rift.
Find the incomplete area.
Finish the first level for each character.
Get at least a bronze in all Naaij levels.
Finish Mell's story.
Finish Fuzor's story.
Get at least a bronze in all Fuzor levels.
Finish Naaij's story.
Get at least a silver in all Fuzor levels.
Get at least a silver in all Naaij levels.
Get a gold in all Fuzor levels.
Get a gold in all Naaij levels.
Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/135 points)
Beat the game.
Let out all your aggression.
Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.
Reveal the true face of evil!
Defeat Madness Mode!
Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)
Forgo your worldly posessions.
Deliver your taxes to the IRS in a timely manner.
Send a Lexus back to the shop.
Medals Earned: 4/20 (20/500 points)
Get skewered on spikes
Launch the Turtle
Smash a goomba
Launch 1 mile (5,280ft)
Find the hidden button
Launch 5 miles (26,400ft)
Blow up a jeep
Crush an angry ground creature
Reach space
Get punched by a banana
Get caught by a UFO
Get burned by a sun
Play over an hour
Launch 10 miles (52,800ft)
Use a nuke
Play over 2 hours
Buy everything
Launch 25 miles (132,000ft)
Total over 1 million feet
Launch 50 miles (264,000ft)